Tag Archives: the future


Samsung AI Machine Learning Makes Mona Lisa and Other Famous Portraits Look Alive

gif image via: Laughing SquidThanks to the wonders of the internet, computers and the information age, we now know that formerly static images can be interpreted by Artificial Intelligence computer networks to create realistic movement. Researchers at the Samsung AI Center in Moscow, Russia have quite amazingly turned Mona Lisa and other famous subjects of […]


NASA makes cube-shaped robots with glowing green eyes – and sends them to SPACE!

image credit: NASA / space.comIf these aren’t some of the coolest looking robots I’ve seen – there is something so accessible about them, like R2D2 or BB8. Apparently, NASA just sent two of them, called “Astrobees” up to the International Space Station. A third one will be sent up at a later date. Via Space.com: […]