Archive | friendly robot

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Can’t we all just get along? My robots think so #maketechhuman #slobot

We see it everyday.  The Matrix, The Terminator, Transformers…  robots destroying humans, humans destroying robots, humans destroying humans and robots destroying robots. I think Isaac Asimov had it right, his robots were helping people for the most part, even if they went a little wonky once in a while…  When I started making my Slobots, […]

mke slobot robot artist custom toy demon paul kaiju

Hello Demon Hunter!

Here are some pics of my piece for the Toy Art Gallery Anniversary Show opening August 14, 2013 in Los Angeles.  The show runs through October 13.  The show features approximately 50 artists all working on Paul Kaiju’s “Pollen Kaiser”. The Demon Hunter stands about 16” tall and includes a gold SLOBOT holding a sword […]


mike slobot makes custom kidrobot munnys

i’ve done quite few of these Kidrobot Munny’s for people and thought, i have never posted all of them together before… hmm, time to remedy that situation. scroll to the bottom to see the first one i did 🙂 All these custom munnys have been sold, but you commission your own custom munny from me […]