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Mike Slobot - Starflyer 59 - SIlver - Minimal Alternative Poster Print Art Shoegaze Indie Rock

It all started with Starflyer 59 a poster

This is a post about my favorite band(s) and some posters I made. If you just want to see what’s for sale and buy some art, click here to head to the music print section of my shop. I have a favorite band. Its Starflyer 59. Way back in 1994, Starflyer 59 released a self-titled […]


Samsung AI Machine Learning Makes Mona Lisa and Other Famous Portraits Look Alive

gif image via: Laughing Squid Thanks to the wonders of the internet, computers and the information age, we now know that formerly static images can be interpreted by Artificial Intelligence computer networks to create realistic movement. Researchers at the Samsung AI Center in Moscow, Russia have quite amazingly turned Mona Lisa and other famous subjects […]